Link begins the game as a simple wrangler over at the Ordon Ranch, deep within the Ordona Province. Link lives within the Ordon Village, which is a small town on the outskirts of Hyrule. He is around 17 years of age and is friendly with many of the residents of Hyrule. In particular, Link seems to have a romantic relationship with Ilia, the mayor's daughter. Link is looked up to by some of the children of Ordon, especially Colin, who wishes to grow up to be just like Link. Rusl, who is Colin's father, is Link's mentor early in the game.
Link's adventure leads him to navigate all of Hyrule as well as the Twilight Realm. Early in the game, Link meets up with Midna, who acts as Link's companion throughout his quest. Link later takes the form of a wolf when entering into the twilight realm. Link sets off on a journey to find three fused shadows, three pieces of the mirror of twilight, and to save Princess Zelda and the kingdom of Hyrule. |
Midna is an imp like creature whose background and purpose are unknown throughout most of the game. She is a member of the Twili people who dwell within the Twilight Realm. She is first seen in the Faron Woods as Link is dragged away in wolf form. Midna then appears within Hyrule Castle and helps wolf Link escape. She acts as a companion for Link throughout his quest.
When Link is in the Twilight Realm, Midna will ride on top of wolf Link. While in wolf form, Link uses Midna to reach distant ledges and also uses Midna’s charged attack to defeat multiple enemies at once. Midna is also used as a form of transportation. Wolf Link can speak with Midna and she will warp him to any place where there is a warp portal in the sky. When Link is in the world of light, Midna disappears into Links body. Early in the game, Midna takes Link on a quest to recover three fused shadows. Zant steals these three fused shadows.
Midna later tries gaining access to the Twilight Realm only to see that the Mirror of Twilight is broken. This puts Midna and Link on their next quest to find three mirror shards and enter the world of Twilight. Midna’s character goes through quite an evolution throughout the game as her motives have changed because of the selflessness of both Link and Princess Zelda. At the end of the game, it is revealed that Midna is the Twilight Princess and her true form is revealed. |
Wolf Link is the form that Link takes when he enters the world of Twilight. He no longer can use his deep inventory of weaponry, but instead, relies on his animal instincts. Wolf Link has the ability to use his senses to view spirits in the Twilight Realm as well as discover strange scents and secret holes. He also has the ability to dig through small holes, which allows him to reach several secret areas and many previously unreachable areas. While in wolf form, Link is able to speak with many animals throughout the land.
While in wolf form, Link’s companion Midna will accompany him on his back. Once wolf Link gains the master sword, he also gains the shadow crystal, which allows Link to transform from a human to a wolf at almost any point in time. |
Princess Zelda is the princess of Hyrule but she surrenders to Zant in order to preserve the lives of the people of Hyrule. Zelda is imprisoned within one of the towers of Hyrule Castle, but she remains in her normal form when the world is covered in Twilight. Later in the game, Midna is on her last breaths but Princess Zelda transfers her power to Midna to save her life. Princess Zelda is one of the chosen ones that holds a piece of the sacred power of the triforce.
At the end of the game, Princess Zelda is seen seemingly unconscious. Midna uses her power to revive her, only to find that Ganondorf has possessed her. This triggers several final battles of the game, the first being with Ganon’s Puppet Zelda. Princess Zelda is later revived once again and Midna transports her and Link to Hyrule Field. It is here where Princess Zelda summons the four spirits of light and creatures the light arrows. She uses these in battle alongside Link to defeat Ganondorf. |
Zant is the leading villain throughout most of the game. He is a member of the Twili race and the self-proclaimed ruler of the Twilight. This garnered the name, Usurper King of the Twilight. Zant invades Hyrule Castle alongside several shadow beings and forces Princess Zelda to surrender. He appears sparingly throughout the game, confronting Midna and Link on several fronts. After gathering the three fused shadows, Zant steals them from Midna and puts the shadow crystal within Link. This makes Link remain in his wolf form even when in the world of light.
Zant later attempts to destroy the Mirror of Twilight, but is unable to do so, so instead, breaks it into pieces and scatters it throughout Hyrule. Before the battle with Zant, It is revealed that Zant was acting as a tool for his God, Ganondorf. |
Ganondorf is the Gerudo King of Evil and is pivotal to the story of Twilight Princess. A flashback shows Ganondorf was sentenced to death by the sages, prior to the game. Since Ganondorf is one of the chosen ones of the Gods, he was unable to be killed by the sages, but instead, breaks free and kills the Sage of Water. The Sages then use the Mirror of Twilight to banish Ganon into the Twilight Realm.
Later in the game, it is revealed that Ganondorf had influenced Zant to take control of the Twilight Realm. He gave Zant some of his power in return for be allowing to leave the Twilight Realm. Ganondorf makes an appearance in Hyrule Castle near the end of the game where he sits on the throne. Princess Zelda can be found helpless within the same room. This triggers a series of final battles between Ganondorf and Link. The first is when Ganondorf takes control of Zelda and the first battle is with Ganon’s Puppet Zelda. Afterwards, Ganon then takes a massive beast form and fights Link a second time.
Midna sends Zelda and Link out of Hyrule Castle after the second battle, indicating she will finish Ganon off. Unfortunately that doesn’t happen as even the power of the fused shadows is not enough to defeat Ganon. The next phase of the final battle takes place on horseback. Link and Zelda ride around on Epona and Princess Zelda shoots Light Arrows at Ganondorf, stunning him and allowing link to slash at him with his sword. The final battle takes place when a ring of fire surrounds Link and Ganon in the middle of Hyrule Field. After a long sword dual Link thrusts his sword through the body of Ganondorf, presumably killing him in the process. |
Minor Characters |
Agitha is a little girl who lives in Hyrule Castle Town. Agitha lives in Agitha’s Castle, whose name relates to the fact that Agitha views herself as a princess. She has a passion for golden bugs and has sent initiations to invite all 24 of them to a ball at her castle. There are 12 types of golden bugs, with each coming in pairs, one male and one female.
Link can bring the golden bugs that he collects to Agitha and she will reward Link with rupees. She will give Link 50 rupees for 1 golden bug and 100 rupees for a golden bug that makes a pair. Once Link gives Agitha a single golden bug, he is rewarded with the big wallet, which allows Link to hold up to 600 rupees rather than the default 300 rupees. If Link returns all 24 bugs, Link gets the giant wallet which holds 1000 rupees. If Link has golden bugs but doesn’t show them to her, she will mention it as Link walks out.
Agitha can be seen outside the south gate of Castle Town searching for bugs during the daytime. She is one of the few people that are not afraid of wolf Link and she actually wants to play with him. At sunset she will leave to return to her castle. |
Ashei is one of the members of the group that meets within Telma’s Bar. Ashei wears armor and is able to handle herself with the bow and arrow. She doesn’t think to highly of the soldiers of Hyrule and refers to them as sorry excuses for Hyrule soldiers. She has an interest in the Yeti that live at the Peak Province within Hyrule.
Ashei spots the beast that comes down from Snowpeak to Zora’s Domain and draws a sketch of him. Link uses this sketch to show to the Zora who note that the fish that the beast is carrying is known as a reekfish. Link later is able to catch a reekfish with the help of Prince Ralis. |
Auru is one of the members of the group that meets within Telma’s Bar. He is an old wise man who seemingly has some relationship with the sages of Hyrule and perhaps even the royal family. Auru wears a symbol of the triforce on the front of his clothing.
Link encounters Auru at Lake Hylia where he mentions that he believes the evil plaguing Hyrule has something to do with Arbiter’s Grounds, a prison deep in the desert that has held Hyrule’s worst prisoners. Auru saved Fyer’s life sometime in the past and results in Fyer owing any favor to Auru. Auru gives Link a memo to show to Fyer, which tells Fyer to launch Link into the desert with the large cannon, allowing Link to gain access to the Gerudo Desert. |
Barnes is the owner of the Kakariko Village bomb shop. Early on in the game, Barnes can be seen hiding with Renado from the monsters that have come to the village. The bomb shop is closed early on because the route to Death Mountain is closed due to unsteady relations with the Gorons. Once it opens up Link can purchase his first bomb bag from Barnes. Barnes will offer regular bombs once the store is open, but throughout the game water bombs and bomblings become available. If Link only has 1 or 2 bomb bags, Barnes offers a buy back policy where Link can sell his bombs for a discounted value and then restock a different type of bomb. |
Beth is one of the children of Ordon Village and the daughter of Hanch and Sera. She is somewhere between 8 and 11 years of age and can be found hanging around Malo and Talo during the early portions of the game. While she can be seen with Malo and Talo, she often thinks of them being quite immature. Beth seems to tease Colin, believing that he is not up to being the hero that he dreams to be. Beth seemingly has a crush on Link early on the game. Beth has aspirations to one day leave the village and live a life as a city girl in town.
When the kids were taken to Kakariko Village, King Bulbin appears and is riding Lord Bullbo, his massive boar like creature. King Bulbin is riding through town right into where Beth is standing. Colin heroically jumps in and pushes her out of the way, saving her from any harm. This leads Beth to turn her crush away from Link and towards Colin. Beth is also good friends with Renado’s daughter Luda in Kakariko Village. |
Charlo is a man who stands near the goat pens in Hyrule Castle Town. He accepts donations in increments of 30 and 50 rupees, although no real reward seems in sight when Link initially donates the rupees. However, once Link reaches a total of 1000 rupees in donations, he will be rewarded with a piece of heart. |
Chudley is the founder of Chudley’s Fine Goods and Fancy Trinkets Emporium, located within Hyrule Castle Town. The fancy store has ridiculously overpriced merchandise that is so expensive that Link cannot even afford the cheapest item. Link is not even allowed to enter Chudley’s shop unless he gets his shoes shined by Soal, who shines shoes just outside of Chudley’s shop.
Once Link has donated enough rupees to build a bridge to Castle Town and to move Malo Mart into town, Chudley’s shop will close. Chudley becomes a worker at Malo Mart and changes his name to Malver. |
Colin is one of the children of Ordon Village and the son of Rusl and Uli. Colin is a timed child that is somewhere between 7 and 10 years of age. Colin is much more laid back than the rest of the children of the Village and is very reluctant to take part in any of their more dangerous adventures. Colin is often teased by the other kids in the village because of his timid nature. He views Link and Ilia as great role models and even says that he'd like to be like Link when he grows up.
Early in the game Colin makes the fishing rod, which he ends up giving to Link. Soon after, Colin and Ilia are both kidnapped by King Bulbin and taken away. Link later finds Colin in Kakariko Village where he is being taken care of by Renado. Colin lives up to his heroic role model when he saves Beth from the path of King Bulbin. Colin is captured by King Bulbin but is later saved by Link after an epic battle in Hyrule Field and on the Bridge of Eldin. For the remainder of the game Colin can be found within Kakariko Village resting his wounds. |
Coro lives within the Farod Woods and runs a lantern business. He also acts as a gate keeper within Faron Woods. Coro gives Link the lantern free of charge in hopes to gain back money by selling lantern oil in a bottle. He is a very bad cook and Link can scoop up some of his soup that he is making. However, the soup that Coro makes is known as nasty soup and it harms Link if he drinks it. Coro later sells Link his second bottle for 100 rupees, which comes filled with lantern oil.
Coro also seems to have good relationship with all sorts of animals. His long hair has made for a nesting place for birds. Coro is one of the very few people that doesn’t fear wolf Link when he runs by. Coro is roughly 15 or 16 years of age and has two sisters; older sister Iza, the owner of Rapid Ride, and young sister Hena, the owner of the Fishing Hole. |
Darbus is the patriarch of the Goron Tribe. When Link first encounters him, he is locked away within the Goron Mines and is consumed by the fused shadow. The consumed Darbus is the temple boss of the Goron Mines, the Twilit Igniter Fyrus. Darbus has quite the massive body build, appearing very fearsome. However, he is always willing to help humans out whenever he can.
Now that he freed from the fused shadow, Darbus helps Link in his quest. He is sent to the area that blocks the entrance to the Hidden Village. Using his strong power, Darbus breaks the blocks revealing the entrance to the village. This allows Link to gain Ilia’s Charm, the Ancient Sky Book, and eventually reach the City in the Sky.